Sustainable Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Sustainable Mobility


When we travel to a country or a city, we must choose a means of transport. Whether we do it to get there or move within the limits of the territory.

As we know, there are countless means of transport, but most of them use petroleum derivatives as fuel. Therefore, it generates tons of polluting gases into the atmosphere, damaging the health of the planet and the beings that inhabit it.

But, thanks to the greater concern that exists related to responsible travel and sustainable tourism, today we have a multitude of best practices and alternative means of transport that not only reduce the environmental impact, but also have a beneficial effect on the local economy, society and the transit of people.


Good actions always bring their benefits and there is nothing better than doing small actions individually for a common good, so we recommend some simple practices:


Bicycle 🚲

The use of the bicycle has been practiced for many years and it is always a great ally to move freely almost anywhere. Today, cities like Amsterdam prioritize the transit of cyclists before any vehicle. In addition, it is a great option to keep in shape.


Public Transport 🚎

The use of public transport, sharing taxis and other vehicles will considerably reduce pollution per passenger, we will obtain great economic savings and we will encourage companies in the public transport sector to invest in transforming their vehicle fleets into more sustainable options, such as hybrid vehicles.


Vehicle Sharing 🚐🚗

Compartir taxis u otros vehículos es otra forma inteligente para reducir la contaminación por pasajero, evitando el uso de un vehículo por cada persona.


Train 🚊

The train and the metro are the options that generate the least CO2 emissions, as well as being an agile, fast and simple alternative.


Electric Mobility 🛴

Bicycles, scooters, Segway, motorcycles, cars and other electric transports are undoubtedly the best option for zero CO2 emissions, they allow us to move in total comfort and the cities are increasingly better prepared for these options.


Airlines commited to the enviroment 🛫

There are rare occasions in which some airlines commit to planting trees for each of their routes, in this way they will be offsetting the impact on the environment.

You can also visit the Eco requirements section, where we name some criteria that are sustainable for tourist activities.

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So now you know, there are more and more alternatives for choosing sustainable and environmentally friendly travelling methods. By making small gestures we will be improving the place we visit and of course our hosts will greatly appreciate it

For more responsible tourism practices, don’t forget to download our sustainable tourism manifesto.

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Sustainable Accommodation

Sustainable Accommodation

3 tips for detecting sustainable accommodation

Sustainable tourism is rapidly expanding, and it is all thanks to the importance that we are giving to travelling in a clean and responsible way. It is logical to think that tourist destinations must have sustainable accommodations, either because they are committed to being part of a sustainable development for the benefit of all, or because of the increased demands from the guests’ side in obtaining quality services that are respectful towards society and environmentally friendly.

But for travelers like us who are looking for this type of accommodation, it is sometimes difficult to know how to detect authentic sustainable places that can meet the necessary requirements to label them as such, making sure it is not just a facade 👀. Therefore, we are going to show you 3 tricks to detect a sustainable accommodation:

1º Observe the services they offer

The first and easiest method is to observe that the services offered by the accommodations represent an improvement in terms of recycling, resource consumption, energy savings, respect for the environment and a greater benefit for its local community.

Some examples of these services can be:


🏡 Construction and air conditioning

The accommodation is of bioclimatic construction, which uses high energy efficiency systems allowing significant savings in electricity, heating and air conditioning. It is also very important that it uses local or recycled building materials. In addition, the accommodation should blend naturally with its surroundings, thus reducing the visual and environmental impact.


💧 Water in sustainable accommodation

The use of renewable energies such as thermal plates on the roofs to heat the water, in addition to the use of flow reducers, or even reusing rainwater for other areas such as irrigation or WC, are an excellent method of saving our most precious resource.


🌞 Light

The use of LED lighting, motion sensors or timers, or the self-generation of electricity through 100% renewable sources, such as photovoltaic panels or mini-wind power, are great ways to achieve minimal or no energy consumption.


🥑 Food

If the accommodation includes organic, ecological, 0KM or locally sourced food on its menu, it will be a highly valued and healthy option. They will also be promoting the local economy with fresh products without having to depend on imports.


🧻   Hygiene

It is basic and advisable to recycle and promote the separation of waste with different containers, such as plastic, cardboard, glass and organic waste. It’s also valuable that the accommodations do not use single-dose or disposable products and, at the same time, that they use organic and biodegradable cleaning and hygiene products. All of this will reduce the pollution of the environment.

We should note that, apart from considering these services, many accommodations have brilliant and innovative new ideas every day that are worth taking into account.

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2º Eco requirements for sustainable accommodation🌱

The second method is to visit our Eco requirements section where you can see a list of internationally recognized environmental practices for the tourist accommodations to comply in order to be considered sustainable.

In our Eco posts you can discover the requirements that each sustainable accommodation or tourist activity meets.

3º Sustainable accommodations’ certification

The third method would be to know if the accommodations are certified as sustainable by reliable organizations.

Alojamientos sostenibles certificado

These certificates are granted to activities and accommodations that meet certain standards set by the organizations that issue them. If they comply with these requirements, they will be provided with a certificate that they can show at the facilities or on their website.

So now you know, just by observing some of the services that these companies offer, we can safely detect authentic sustainable accommodations.

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Sustainable Tourism: What is it and how to practice it

Sustainable Tourism

What is sustainable tourism it and how to practice it

Every day we are hearing more about sustainable tourism and how it is achieved, but the reality is that it is still an unknown topic for many travelers. That is why it is important to learn about it and its benefits.  

¿What is sustainable tourism?

Sustainable tourism is primarily a movement that aims to meet the needs of tourism activity through principles of sustainability, to avoid negative impacts on the environment, the ecosystem, society, and local culture. It also contributes to the sector with new incomes and jobs for the host population. 

Impact of the Tourism Industry

The tourism sector is one of the world’s leading industries. It is a key area for the planet’s socio-economic and environmental development.

Impacto turismo

The problem is that day by day it grows faster and in an uncontrolled way, generating mass movements of travelers and, an increase in their expectations of what a tourist experience must offer. This causes the tourism activity to not have any type of control or good management, and obtain, on most occasions, a negative impact at an economic, environmental, and socio-cultural level. Some examples are: 

  • Increased pollution.  
  • Damage of monuments, structures, and environment. 
  • Unbalanced ecosystem 
  • Transformation of local customs to meet the needs of tourist 
  • Overexploitation of natural resources. 
  • Unstable employment for residents (seasonality). 

That is why it is important to keep in mind that our activity can have a negative impact on the destinationeven if we are not aware 🥺. 

Sustainable tourism is born as an alternative

Sustainable tourism is born thanks to the fact that we can see the negative effects that overcrowded, unstructured and poorly managed tourism can have on the economy, the environment, and socio-cultural aspects. 

nacimiento turismo sostenible

Among other reasons are: 

  • Increased concern for environmental issues worldwide. 
  • To increased demand from visitors for sustainable products and services, forcing companies to comply with certain standards. 
  • Increased pressure from environmental groups on public opinion related to tourism activities and the environment.

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¿How can we make tourism sustainable? 

There is no specific or mandatory model that we must follow when considering sustainability in tourism, nor should we stop enjoying tourism. But whether we are travelers seeking to discover new places and different cultures, or a company or organization wanting to attract as many visitors as possible, we must do so responsibly, logically and, above all, consciously. 

To do this, we simply need to follow several basic sustainability principles and recommendations:


🌱 Environmental principles

  • Appropriate use of natural resources, to facilitate their regeneration or reuse. 
  • Protection and respect for the different ecosystems. 
  • Recycling and non-pollution. 
  • Respect all socio-cultural guidelines created to protect ecosystems and the environment. 
  • Reversing, as far as possible, environmental deterioration.

🎭 Sociocultural principles

  • Respect for socio-cultural diversity and local customs. 
  • Good interrelation between different cultures. 
  • Racial, ethnic and religious equality. 
  • Economic and gender equality. 
  • Give importance to people’s quality of life; employment, health, education, etc.

💰 Economic principles

  • Ensure appropriate and responsible business practices. 
  • Establish new models of sustainable tourism development in each area. 
  • Demand higher quality standards for products and services in relation to sustainability, which generates greater competitiveness and involvement among bidders. 
  • Choose destinations that value the responsibility of tourists, hosts and public institutions that favor the development of sustainable tourism models.


If we keep these basic principles and tips in mind, we know that we will be contributing with our grain of sand to the world, assuring the creation of a different tourism activity in a conscious, educational, and environmentally friendly way, as well as helping in the sustainable development of the place we choose to visit 👌. 

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